Healthcare expenses continue to burden many people who are underinsured or can't afford what they have. Compounding the problem is the opioid epidemic. People affected need local places to get help. More importantly, we need to stop the flow and abuse of these drugs which are often legal prescriptions. Healthcare should be a right for everyone, not a privilege for the few and we should work toward a single payer system.
Heres What I’ve Done
Prime Sponsored:
HB19-1150 Recreate Consumer Insurance Council
HB19-1174 Out-of-network Health Care Services
HB19-1301 Health Insurance For Breast Imaging
HB19-1253 Living Organ Donor Insurance
HB19-1233 Investments In Primary Care To Reduce Health Costs
HB19-1216 Reduce Insulin Prices
HB19-1211 Prior Authorization Requirements Health Care Service
HB19-1077 Pharmacist Dispense Drug Without Prescription In Emergency
HB19-1001 Hospital Transparency Measures To Analyze Efficacy