Safeguard and invest taxpayer dollars, reduce waste, and create a more efficient government.

As Treasurer, Brianna will ensure your tax dollars are invested wisely and transparently. She will work to reduce government waste, increase accountability, and streamline financial operations so the state works more efficiently for everyone. Fiscal responsibility isn’t just about numbers - it’s about trust.

Protect and grow the Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA), and ensure hardworking Coloradans can retire.

Every teacher, firefighter, and public employee deserves a secure and stable retirement. As Treasurer, Brianna will continue the fight to protect and strengthen PERA, ensuring it remains fully funded and solvent for generations to come. She’ll also work to expand retirement savings programs like Colorado SecureSavings, because every worker - public or private - deserves a path to retirement security.

Address the shortcomings of TABOR, while ensuring a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility. 

Colorado’s TABOR law creates real challenges for funding the services our communities rely on. As State Treasurer, Brianna will work to highlight and address TABOR’s shortcomings while keeping Colorado’s budget balanced and our fiscal system in order. We need smart, strategic financial planning - not rigid restraints that hold our state back.

Ensure unclaimed property is returned to the people

Coloradans deserve to know that the state is working for them - not sitting on what’s rightfully theirs. There is over 2 billion dollars of unclaimed property waiting to be returned to the people of Colorado. As Treasurer, Brianna will make it easier, faster, and more transparent for people to reclaim their lost or unclaimed property. She will modernize outreach, simplify the process and make sure more Coloradans get back what rightfully belongs to them.