Join me for a Town Hall, a Coffee, a Beer, or just conversation. I’m available for you at the following public events:

Please contact me via Email for any concerns at

Even though the legislature is in recess and group gatherings are not feasible, I am still available to my constituents.  Instead of my usual in-person constituent events and town halls, I will be holding virtual events for anyone interested in hearing COVID updates or wanting to speak to me about bills that will be heard once our legislative session resumes.

Zoom is an app that we will be using as our virtual event platform. Zoom meetings can be phone conference meetings, video conference meetings, or a combination of both with participants choosing whichever format they prefer.  You can use it with your phone or on your computer at home. Download the apps here:
 iOS, Android, PC, Mac.


October 13, 8:00am Capitol Coffee Talk

Do you have questions for Rep. Titone? Having trouble with the ballot initiatives? Join her for an informal chat over zoom to discuss what’s on your mind.

Oct 13, 2020 08:00 AM Nov 10, 2020 08:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 4320 9871 One tap mobile +13462487799,,82043209871#

October 17, 10:30am Arvada Town Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 2359 3088 Passcode: 642890 One tap mobile +12532158782,,88323593088#,,,,,,0#,,642890# US (Tacoma)

Please check the Facebook page for details and more events.